ENS domain lock
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I recently had a bad experience due to a UI mistake on ENS.domains website. Long story short my domain is locked. It won't reset until expiration, not even during grace period, but after i totally lose ownership and goes to public hunting. It makes good sense to have a backdoor for cases like mine. In the link you will find more details of what happened and my proposed solutions. Some may be more technically difficult others are easier.
Generally speaking the straight forward solution I am proposing is to change the code that controls the temporary premium period to add a 10 days before the premium applies in which 10 days ONLY the last owner of the domain can grab it. This way, the domain resets fuses, the owner regains access without losing his property.
As an added security I would request to change the "extension" function. Let owners of locked (or all) domains to allow/disallow third parties from extending. Disallowing would mean ONLY owner/manager of top or sub domains can extend the top domain. No need for mapping of ownerships. When extensions from public is set to off then when request for extensions is sent you look if the address owns that domain or subdomain by parsing their assets i suppose.
More suggestions for even greater protection of wider range of use cases are given in my post in the link...
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Hello, if i extend the domain it will remain locked without its fuses. So only way to reset the fuses is to leave it expire. But under current process if it expires it goes directly to public market with temporary premium.
May I ask why it isn’t feasible to allow 3-4 days after expiration to the last owner to register, after it gets expired and fuses reset, before it goes to temporary premium? It is an elegant and fair procedure. I say it as an experienced software architect.
That would solve the issue in the easiest and fairest way. I would like to know objection reasons if you have any?!?!
Eskender Abebe
Eskender Abebe
Thanks for your feedback, we've taken a look at the proposed changes you've shared and unfortunately they aren't feasible for us to implement at this time. However in your specific case please note that you can extend the registration period, and that wont extend the lock period.
So your name wont be taken if you extend the registration.
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BTW I attach image so you see what went wrong and why smart contracts should be designed in ways that if ANY decentralised UI is wrong or purposely tries to cheat, there should be safety ways out of these situations. In this occasion it was wrong UI, not malicious, but still I revoked permissions that now I can't transfer the domain, unwrap or create subdomains. At least I can use it as top domain and extend it but that's not the solution. I would like to see response from the community and help to solve it with a workaround compatible always with ethics and values of decentralisation and respect to immutability.